JOB POSTED ON | 28th March, 2025 | ||||||
APPLICATION START DATE | 26th March, 2025 | ||||||
APPLICATION CLOSING DATE | 22nd April, 2025 | ||||||
Designation | Assistant Professor | Age Limit | Maximum - 50 Years (Age relaxation is applicable as per HPPSC) | ||||
Qualification | Graduate, Post Graduate, PhD (Relevant Subject) |
POSTS DETAIL | Advt. No: 31/3-2025 Details of posts with a category-wise breakup are as follows: The post-wise Qualification is as follows: |
Application Fee | GEN : 600 OBC : 600 EWS : 600 SC : 150 ST : 150 Other : 150 | ||||||
Pay Scale | Minimum Rs. 1,29,700/- & Maximum Rs. 2,14,300/- Per Month |
Examination Date | Will be notified soon | ||||
Selection Process | Interview |
Job type | Permanent | Application mode | Online | ||||
Walkin Interview | No | ||||||
Exam Venue | Shimla | ||||||
Important Links |
How to apply | 1. Read the advertisement carefully, Before you apply. 2. The candidates should apply online through the official link on or before 22 April 2025. 3. Keep your Documents whole, and at the time of submission check each document carefully. 4. Wherever an Application Fee is required for Submission of an Application, It Must be submitted on time, or else the Application will be rejected. 5. After successful submission of an application, it is required to have a copy of your application form, for further process. 6. For any other information, visit the official site. General Instructions: 1. The SC / ST / OBC / WFF / Physically Handicapped and Ex-servicemen candidates of States other than H.P. should write / encode their category code as 01, because they will be treated as unreserved candidates and upper age relaxation is not applicable to them. 2. Candidates are informed that as per Government of H.P. (in the Department of Personnel) notification No.Per (APB)B(15)-3/2022 dated 22-03-2023, the examinations conducted by the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission willcome under the purview of Himachal Pradesh Prevention of Malpractices Act, 1984. 3. A candidate at any stage of examination /selection which shall include final selection and sending recommendation(s) thereof or during the course of examination or any selection process conducted or being conducted may in addition to rendering himself / herself liable to criminal prosecution under relevant laws (in the case of candidate already in service under Government, to disciplinary action and criminal prosecution under the appropriate rules and relevant laws) may be debarred from appearing in any written examination / Document verification/ Personality Test for a period not exceeding 15 years, or his candidature may be cancelled at the discretion of the Commission w.e.f. the date as may be decided by the Commission. 4. Obtaining / seeking support for his / her candidature whether in the Examination or Physical Test or Document verification or Personality Test by any means or impersonating or procuring impersonation by any person or submitting false/ fabricated documents or documents which have been tampered with or making statements which are incorrect or false or flouts any Instructions Guidelines, terms and condition, given in advertisements or instructions communicated in any manner or suppressing therein material information at any stage of selection or resorting to the following means in connection with his / her candidature for the examination, namely obtaining copy of question paper through improper means, finding out the particulars of the persons connected with secret work relating to the Examination. 5. Evaluation, Physical Test and Personality Test /Document verification, Influencing the Examiners using or attempting to use unfair means in the Examination Hall or writing obscene matter or drawing obscene sketches in the scripts or harassing, threatening or causing physical injury to the staff engaged in the conduct of Examination or Physical Test or Document verification or Personality Test. 6. Violating any of the instructions given to the candidates in their admission card or other directives including oral instructions given by the centre supervisor /superintendent or other staff engaged in the conduct of Examination or Physical Test or Document verification or Personality Test. 7. Misbehaving in the examination hall including tearing of the scripts, provoking fellow examinees to boycott Examination or Physical Test or Document verification or Personality Test creating a disorderly scene and the like. 8. Being in possession of or using mobile phone, pager, scanner or any electronic equipment or device or any other equipment capable of being used as a communication device during the Examination or Physical Test or Document verification or Personality Tesi. 9. Being debarred earlier on the above mentioned grounds by the Union Public Service Commission or any State Public Service Commission or any other government department / recruiting agency including this Commission. 10. Attempting to commit or, as the case may be, abetting the Commission of all or any of the acts specified in the foregoing clauses. |
How to apply | |||||||
1. Read the advertisement carefully, Before you apply. 2. The candidates should apply online through the official link on or before 22 April 2025. 3. Keep your Documents whole, and at the time of submission check each document carefully. 4. Wherever an Application Fee is required for Submission of an Application, It Must be submitted on time, or else the Application will be rejected. 5. After successful submission of an application, it is required to have a copy of your application form, for further process. 6. For any other information, visit the official site. General Instructions: 1. The SC / ST / OBC / WFF / Physically Handicapped and Ex-servicemen candidates of States other than H.P. should write / encode their category code as 01, because they will be treated as unreserved candidates and upper age relaxation is not applicable to them. 2. Candidates are informed that as per Government of H.P. (in the Department of Personnel) notification No.Per (APB)B(15)-3/2022 dated 22-03-2023, the examinations conducted by the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission willcome under the purview of Himachal Pradesh Prevention of Malpractices Act, 1984. 3. A candidate at any stage of examination /selection which shall include final selection and sending recommendation(s) thereof or during the course of examination or any selection process conducted or being conducted may in addition to rendering himself / herself liable to criminal prosecution under relevant laws (in the case of candidate already in service under Government, to disciplinary action and criminal prosecution under the appropriate rules and relevant laws) may be debarred from appearing in any written examination / Document verification/ Personality Test for a period not exceeding 15 years, or his candidature may be cancelled at the discretion of the Commission w.e.f. the date as may be decided by the Commission. 4. Obtaining / seeking support for his / her candidature whether in the Examination or Physical Test or Document verification or Personality Test by any means or impersonating or procuring impersonation by any person or submitting false/ fabricated documents or documents which have been tampered with or making statements which are incorrect or false or flouts any Instructions Guidelines, terms and condition, given in advertisements or instructions communicated in any manner or suppressing therein material information at any stage of selection or resorting to the following means in connection with his / her candidature for the examination, namely obtaining copy of question paper through improper means, finding out the particulars of the persons connected with secret work relating to the Examination. 5. Evaluation, Physical Test and Personality Test /Document verification, Influencing the Examiners using or attempting to use unfair means in the Examination Hall or writing obscene matter or drawing obscene sketches in the scripts or harassing, threatening or causing physical injury to the staff engaged in the conduct of Examination or Physical Test or Document verification or Personality Test. 6. Violating any of the instructions given to the candidates in their admission card or other directives including oral instructions given by the centre supervisor /superintendent or other staff engaged in the conduct of Examination or Physical Test or Document verification or Personality Test. 7. Misbehaving in the examination hall including tearing of the scripts, provoking fellow examinees to boycott Examination or Physical Test or Document verification or Personality Test creating a disorderly scene and the like. 8. Being in possession of or using mobile phone, pager, scanner or any electronic equipment or device or any other equipment capable of being used as a communication device during the Examination or Physical Test or Document verification or Personality Tesi. 9. Being debarred earlier on the above mentioned grounds by the Union Public Service Commission or any State Public Service Commission or any other government department / recruiting agency including this Commission. 10. Attempting to commit or, as the case may be, abetting the Commission of all or any of the acts specified in the foregoing clauses. |
HPPSC - Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission Assistant Professor Recruitment March 2025
Closing Date
HPPSC - Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission Assistant Professor Recruitment March 2025
Closing Date
HPPSC - Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission Assistant Professor Recruitment January 2025
Closing Date
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