MK Stalin, the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, recently acknowledged the achievements of nine notable space scientists from the state, including renowned names such as K Sivan and Mylswamy Annadurai, for their outstanding contributions to India's space program. Chief Minister Stalin offered monetary rewards of Rs 25 lakh for each of the scientists at a special ceremony in Chennai on October 2, 2023, and disclosed plans for a scholarship scheme to stimulate scientific innovation among postgraduate engineering students.
List of the Honored Scientists
ISRO Chairman K Sivan, Chandrayaan-1 and 2
Project Director, Mylswamy Annadurai
Director of Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre- ISRO V Narayanan
Director of Satish Dhawan Space Centre, A Rajarajan
Distinguished ISRO Scientist, M Sankaran
Chandrayaan-3 Project Director, P Veeramuthuvel
ISRO’s M Vanitha
ISRO’s Nigar Shaji
ISRO-Propulsion Complex Director, J Asir Packiaraj
A Tribute to Humble Beginnings
Highlighting the remarkable journey of these scholars, Chief Minister Stalin noted that six of them received their education from government schools in Tamil Nadu. He emphasized that they came from humble backgrounds, were born in small towns and achieved personal development through education and determination. These first-generation graduates inspire the state's younger generation to pursue their dreams and excel in science.
Cash Prizes and Scholarships
CM Stalin made two important announcements during the ceremony. Initially, each of the nine scientists would receive a cash reward of Rs 25 lakh in recognition of their hard work and dedication. He urged them to continue to bring pride to India through their efforts. Secondly, the government would establish a scholarship program in the name of a renowned scientist to benefit nine postgraduate engineering students. A corpus of Rs 10 crore would be allocated for this purpose, which would cover all expenses, including school and hostel fees.
Eligibility for PG Scholarships
Postgraduate scholarship programs are intended for state school students who have completed undergraduate engineering courses and benefit from the 7.5% fee and financial aid provided by the government during their undergraduate studies.
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