The Central Railway's New Amravati station has gone down in history as the first in Bhusaval Division and the third in the Central Railway to be declared a "Pink Station" - a station entirely run by women.
The Skilled Women's Team At The New Amravati Railway Station
The New Amravati station has a team of 12 capable female personnel, each of whom plays an important part in maintaining the station's smooth operation. Four Deputy Station Superintendents, four Pointswomen, three Railway Protection Personnel, and one Station Ticket Booking Agent are among these successful individuals. Their combined efforts result in the station's effective management, promoting an environment of competence and inclusivity.
Dynamic Operations And Committed Professionalism
The New Amravati station emerges as a vibrant hub of bustling activity, with a daily influx of approximately 380 passengers and the steady movement of 10 trains. Handling the complexities of running a station of this size, the all-women team at New Amravati demonstrates steadfast dedication and a high level of professionalism.
The Pioneering Legacy Of Central Railway
Central Railway has long been a pioneer in providing equal opportunity for its female staff. It is proud to be the first zone in Indian Railways to construct an all-women managed station, with Matunga Station on the Mumbai Division being the first, followed by Ajni Station on the Nagpur Division.
Central Railway, headquartered in Mumbai at the landmark Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus, is also proud to have operated India's first passenger railway line, which opened on April 16, 1853, connecting Mumbai to Thane.
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