Madhya Pradesh's state government has launched a new scheme called Mukhyamantri Ladli Bahna Yojana to financially empower women. The programme aims to increase women's economic independence, health and nutritional status, and influence over family decisions.
Eligibility Criteria
Women between the ages of 23 and 60 who have an annual family income of Rupees 2.5 lakh or less than 5 acres of land will receive Rupees 1,000 per month under the Mukhyamantri Ladli Behna Yojana. The scheme is aimed at women from economically disadvantaged backgrounds who are experiencing financial difficulties due to a lack of opportunities and resources.
Direct Benefit Transfer
The funds under this scheme will be distributed from June 10 of this year and will be deposited directly into the accounts of the beneficiaries. This ensures that the benefits are delivered to the intended recipients without any leakage or corruption. Because it eliminates the need for middlemen and reduces the possibility of fraud and manipulation, the direct benefit transfer mechanism is an effective tool for delivering government subsidies and welfare benefits.
Expected Coverage
The scheme is expected to benefit one million women in Madhya Pradesh. Given the state's population of around 8 crore, this is a significant number. The government's pledge to provide financial assistance to a large number of women demonstrates its dedication to women's empowerment and gender equality. The scheme is expected to benefit women, their families, and the state's overall economy.
Objectives Of The Scheme
Mukhyamantri Ladli Behna Yojana aims to improve women's health and nutritional status, promote their economic independence, and increase their influence over family decisions. The scheme aims to reduce women's financial dependence on male family members and enable them to make decisions about their health, education, and other aspects of their lives by providing financial assistance to them.
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